
About Me

Greetings,Fellow Computer Science Enthusiasts, I'm pleased to make your acquaintance!

  • Name: Saksham Sharma
  • Date of birth: July 25, 2005
  • Address: Gandaki Province, Nepal
  • Zip code: 33000
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: +977 97042088XX

Projects Completed: 0

Download CV



I currently don't have a fancy and professional resume however I am building one as I'm learning and growing at every instance of time!


# Genesis

Inception !!!

The narrative's centerpiece entered the world on that fateful day. After that the protagonist had to go through thick and thin, light and dark, devil and gods without losing hope, because the mystic forces of the universe wanted it that way and none can deny that!


Golden School Days of Innocence

Siddhartha Boarding Secondary School

I miss those good old days when I could not fathom the reality, they were full joys and excitement. I am grateful that I got to complete my schooling from a decent education institution with decent grades, though I did not work hard for it. It was a nice deal for the exchange of my young years. I enjoyed those days to a great extent and as I say the theory of constant happiness summation, I now have to work harder to get back on the track because it is vivid that I have deviated a lot and I can not afford to let it slide.


Highschool Years With Science Stream

Madhyabindu Multiple Campus

Investing two whole crucial years of my life and good sum of money in exchange of a desperate hope and futile attempt to gather further knowledge and honing my skills,(spoiler alert: output was not worth the input) but what can we do ? cry about it? already done, hehe , kidding it was not that bad! I grew up in this phase and received the ultimate pathway to Enlightenment. Enlightenment is invaluable and is not comparable to anything! It simply is ABSOLUTE!!!


An Aspiring Dev

Toronto University

I really want to see myself as a senior dev in the future and I am working for it. I am honing my skills and knowledge in all possible cases , hopefully I will be able to achieve those big dreams of mine. Thank you for reading this.


Ignorant fellow

Laugh Tale

I remember, one time I went to my village to visit my grandma and she said something that completely shook me , what is it? hold your horses I am spilling the beans , she told, grandson one day people will waste their time reading this nonsense, love them. lol


UI/UX Designer

Cambridge University

User Interface and User Experience, are one of the key components of web development. It makes pages more comfortable and convenient to the users.


Our Services

Okay, let us be realistic here, I currently am a beginner and this is my devloping phase so you cannot expect a lot from me, I hate to disappoint you and that is why I will soon do some more projects and add them here. For now enjoy the fale aesthetics , hope you are having fun !!


My Skills

yeah, you guessed it right, my future skills lol I feel so guilty at the moment, I can't think of a way to express it, I should really focus my time in these. You know, they say it is never late to do the right thing, right?



C & C++











Our Projects

Ongoing Collaborative Projects

Web Based App

Design and Development

Marketing & Branding

(work in progress)

UI/UX Design

User Interface & User Experience

Responsive and Interactive Web Dev

Maintenance and Upgrades


My Blog

We will get back to you shortly! huge upgrades are on their way,so have some patience!

June 21, 2019 Admin 3

Why Lead Generation is Key for Business Growth

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.

June 21, 2019 Admin 3

Why Lead Generation is Key for Business Growth

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.

June 21, 2019 Admin 3

Why Lead Generation is Key for Business Growth

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.

0 Awards
0 Complete Projects
0 Happy Customers
0 Cups of coffee

I'm Available for texting

Feel free to hit me up, whenever you feel like it! lol

Text me


Contact Me

Links to the socials and emails will be provided below, don't forget to check them out. Thank you for your time!


Kathmandu, Nepal

Contact Number

+977 9704208822

Email Address

[email protected]